The Willer Park Green Streets project involves several green infrastructure practices on William Street and at JFK and Pratt Willert community centers. On William Street, porous asphalt will be installed in the parking lane on the north side of the street, the median will be widened with new trees and plantings and will feature bioretention sites to manage stormwater from road runoff. The community centers will each have new bioretention sites to manage stormwater runoff from their parking areas and the existing Jesse Clipper park on William and Michigan will be enlarged and enhanced with a new layout based on the original proposed design from famous architect John Brent. This project helps manage storm water from the SPP 281 sewer basin which contributes to CSO 17 and ultimately may discharge to the Buffalo River during large storm events. The project is schedules to be completed in 2018 by the contractor, CATCO at a project cost of $4,814,586.50
Work to date (about 7% total project complete) has involved excavating the porous asphalt area on William St. as well as the bioretention areas at the community centers