About this project
The Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA) Bird Island Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) currently serves residents in the City of Buffalo and our suburban neighbors. As part of a larger plan to protect the environment and continue its mission to close the health disparities gap, BSA has developed a Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Control Plan (CSO LTCP) to increase the capacity of the sewer system and of the Bird Island WWTF. The Secondary System Rehabilitation and Upgrades represents Phase I of a three-phase effort to improve and expand the wet weather treatment at the WWTF. It will rehabilitate the WWTF’s biological systems to reach its full original capacity. Some processes and equipment included in the Phase I project are nearing 50 years old, well beyond their useful life. The investment in this rehabilitation work will result in renewed critical infrastructure assets to support the long-term growth and resurgence of the City of Buffalo.
What are the benefits?
Improves the water environment
Sustains viability of a critical community resource
Creates a significant investment in the economy
How will this work be funded?
This $55.85M project is funded through a variety of federal and state loan and grant programs including the New York State Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act Program, and a New York State Department of Environmental Compliance Water Quality Improvement Project Grant.
Project Update
As of Q1 2024, Phase I construction is progressing as scheduled. To date, 75% of the new large diameter ductile iron pipe to be installed has arrived on site and all ninety 54” cast iron slide gates have been delivered as well. In accordance with the NFA schedule, the next major milestone will occur June 1, 2024 when Battery A is taken out of service to facilitate work within the Battery A aeration tanks and associated influent/effluent channels. Battery A is anticipated to be offline for 26 weeks, at which point it will be returned to service to allow the next stage of work to commence.