North Ogden Sewer Extensions & Lead Service Replacement

Why is Buffalo Sewer doing this project?

Buffalo Sewer is working diligently to improve the City’s existing sewer infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. This project will extend the sewer to homes that currently do not have a large enough sewer in front of their house.  New storm sewer will be also added and any lead water services will be replaced with non-lead material.

  What is included in this project?
  • For Houses 264 to 276 N. Ogden Street:
    • New sanitary sewer
    • New storm sewer
    • House / building lateral replacements
    • Replacement of any lead water services
    • New sidewalk, driveway aprons, and pavement
When will construction begin?
  • Construction is scheduled to start in Spring 2025 and finish by the end of June 2025.
  • Notices will be hand-delivered to residents one week before construction starts.
Project Work Area and Shoreline Trail Closure/Detour
What can I expect during construction?

Temporary disruptions such as noise / dust will be minimized as much as possible. Sewage odors will NOT be present in homes, but may be present outside.

During construction, residents can expect to see equipment and traffic cones off to one side of the road, similar to the image below:

New traffic patterns will be in place during construction, including:

  • Partial road closures
  • Sidewalk closures
  • Limited street parking
  • Possible detours / relocated bus stop
 Will my service be affected?

Residents may experience temporary sewer and water service interruption / limited use. Residents will be notified of construction in advance and details will be provided at that time.

 How is this project being funded?

Buffalo Sewer will pay for this project as part of its existing budget.

 Where can I find more information?

For further information, please call / email Buffalo Sewer, and see our website for information about this and other current projects.

Phone: 716-851-4664

