Board of Directors
Buffalo Sewer is governed by a board of directors, appointed by the Mayor of Buffalo, each of whom shall be a resident of the city of Buffalo. The current Buffalo Sewer Board of Directors and Officers are:
Herbert L. Bellamy, Jr.
Christopher Roosevelt
Vice Chairman
Eleanor Petrucci
Executive Management
Oluwole A. McFoy, P.E.
General Manager
Oluwole A. McFoy serves as the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager for Buffalo Sewer. McFoy was named to the post in a unanimous vote on August 26, 2015 by the Board of Directors. With an operating budget of $55 million and a capital budget of $25 million, Buffalo Sewer provides wastewater collection and treatment for a population of nearly 500,000 in Western New York.
Rosaleen B. Nogle, P.E.
Principal Sanitary Engineer
Adam Sassone
Secretary to the General Manager CHIEF OF STAFF
Gelea James
Director of Employee Relations
Alexander C. Emmerson
Treatment Plant Superintendent
Joel Renzoni
Director of Sewer Maintenance
Cheryl Colston
General Counsel
Paul V. Harris, PMP
Superintendent of Mechanical Maintenance
Charles Riley, PMP