Sealed bids shall be received, opened and publicly read aloud by Buffalo Sewer Authority at its offices, 1038 City Hall, Buffalo, New York 14202, at 11:00 AM, local time on THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2025, for the “Cornelius Creek CSO Backwater Gate Flooding Mitigation Project”.

A virtual Pre-Bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 10:00 AM EST via Zoom to discuss the project scope, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding requirements, and to answer initial questions. For a Zoom invitation to the Pre-Bid meeting, please contact Kaitlyn Handrich at by Monday, January 6, 2025, at 5:00 pm EST.

All questions should be place in writing and directed to the Engineer, contact Chris Chapman at 716-688-0766. The deadline for questions will be WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST. Questions submitted by this deadline will be answered via Addendum and will be distributed to all planholders via Avalon Plan Room. Questions received after this date will not be accepted.  The Buffalo Sewer Authority reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or to waive any informality in the Bidding.

Copies of the above-mentioned documents may be viewed and ordered through the website for a non-refundable payment to Avalon Document Services: on or after FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2024, in the “Public Jobs” section.

If internet access is not available or you have questions, contact Avalon Document Services at (716) 995‑7777. Drawings and specifications can be picked up at Avalon Document Services, at 40 La Riviere Drive, Suite 150, Buffalo, NY 14202. Bidders will be charged a non-refundable fee per set. Payment can be made by credit card or by a check made payable to Avalon Document Services. Bids may be held for a period not to exceed 60 days from the Bid Opening.

No proposal or bid will be considered unless it is accompanied by a check duly certified by an incorporated bank or trust company payable to the Buffalo Sewer Authority, in the amount of not less than five per cent (5%) of the bid, or, in lieu of such check, by a bid bond prepared on the Proposal Bond attached hereto, payable to the Buffalo Sewer Authority, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Buffalo and as to sufficiency by the Comptroller of said City, and executed by the Bidder, as principal, and by a duly incorporated company authorized to guarantee the performance of contracts and to do business in the State of New York, as surety, in the penal amount of not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the amount of the aggregate bid. Proposal bond need not be submitted for approval prior to the opening of the bids.

The bidder must comply with all provisions of the Labor Law of the State of New York in the performance of this agreement. In accordance with the provisions of Section 220 of the Labor Law, prevailing wages to be paid to laborers, workers and mechanics have been determined and fixed by the Comptroller of the City of Buffalo, New York.

The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Payment and Performance Bond each in the full amount of the Contract with a surety company approved by the Owner, licensed to perform business in the State of New York.