East Delavan Sewer Project Community Survey PROJECT LOCATION 1. I am interested in this project because... (Check all that apply)(Required) I live in the area. I work in the area. I own property in the area. I own a business in the area. I am a student, faculty, or staff member at Canisius University. I commute through the area. I am a member of this community. Other If you selected Other, please describe why you are interested in this project. 2. How many years have you spent in this area? (living, working, studying, commuting, etc.)(Required) 3. BSA is evaluating 2 design options for sewer improvements on East Delavan Avenue. See webpage link below or full brochure for details. WHICH DESIGN SEEMS PREFERABLE TO YOU?(Required)East Delavan Sewer Project webpage Deep Tank Tunnel Why is this design preferable to you? 4. I am concerned about... (Drag to rank in order of priority; top is highest priority, bottom is lowest priority) (Required)Pollution in our waterwaysAging infrastructureNoise and vibration during constructionSidewalk and roadway access during constructionOtherWhat is your 'Other' concern? N/A is acceptable.(Required) 5. BSA is investing in community betterment initiatives throughout the project. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU?(Drag to rank in order of priority; top is highest priority, bottom is lowest priority) (Required)Neighborhood Beautification (for example, new sidewalks or tree plantings)Workforce Development (for example, local jobs or training)Water and Sewer Infrastructure Improvements (for example, service line replacements or flood mitigation)6. Demographic InformationZIP CODE(Required) ZIP Code AGE(Required) Race / Ethinicity(Required) American Indian / Native Alaskan Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Middle Eastern / North African Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Two or More Races White Prefer not to say Other If you selected Other, please type your Demographic here. Gender(Required) Woman Man Non-binary Prefer not to say Other If you selected Other, please type your Gender here. 7. Do you want to be contacted by a project team member for more information? Yes, by email Yes, by phone/text 8. CONTACT INFORMATION (OPTIONAL)Name Address Email Phone Contact Us: If you have any questions or comments about this project, please contact: Regina Harris, Senior Engineer rharris@buffalosewer.org 716-851-4664 ext. 4227PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ