Proposals for the Buffalo Sewer Authority’s “CAPITAL PROJECTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT” will be received by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at its City Hall Office at Room 1038 City Hall, 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY 14202 until 3:00 PM local time on Friday, August 18, 2023. PLEASE NOTE THAT ADDENDUM HAS BEEN UPLOADED AND MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN PROPOSAL COVER LETTER!!!

Any questions must be received by Rosaleen Nogle, PE by July 31, 2023, at

BSA RFP Program Management

Appendix A Optimization_Selected_Alternative_230131

Appendix B Bridging Document

Appendix C Responsibilities of Parties

Appendix D Staffing Worksheet

Appendix E EEO Plan

Appendix F DBE Plan

Appendix G MWBE Plan

RFP Addendum