Bid Opportunities, Construction Projects, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities, Vendor, Bid, RFP & RFQ Opportunities
Sealed bids shall be received, opened, and publicly read aloud by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at its offices, 1038 City Hall, Buffalo, New York 14202, at 11:00 AM ET, on Monday, July 3, 2023 for the “Scajaquada Creek and Black Rock Canal Smart Sewer Project”. A...
Bid Opportunities, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, News & Updates, RFP & RFQ Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities
Request for Qualifications | SFA Terms and Conditions | Mandatory State Revolving Fund Terms and Conditions |
Bid Opportunities, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities
Sealed Bids for construction of the “BUFFALO SEWER AUTHORITY BIRD ISLAND LANDSCAPE AND WAYFINDING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-REBID” will be received by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at its offices at The Bird Island Treatment Facility, Buffalo, New York 14213, until ...
Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, RFP & RFQ Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities
Buffalo Sewer Authority Waste Heat Recovery System Rehab RFP Please include in proposal acknowledgment of the following additional information: 1. Average Plant’s heating loads (lbs/hour) in the Summer, Winter, and shoulder months: 10,000 – 13,000 lbs. in the summer. ...