Bid Opportunities, Construction Projects, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities, Vendor, Bid, RFP & RFQ Opportunities
Sealed bids for the “MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM WIDE SEWER REPAIRS” will be received by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at its offices, 1038 City Hall, Buffalo, New York 14202, until 11:00 am, local time on Thursday July 13, 2023 at which time they will be publicly opened read...
Bid Opportunities, Construction Projects, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities, Vendor, Bid, RFP & RFQ Opportunities
Sealed bids shall be received, opened, and publicly read aloud by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at its offices, 1038 City Hall, Buffalo, New York 14202, at 11:00 AM ET, on Monday, July 3, 2023 for the “Scajaquada Creek and Black Rock Canal Smart Sewer Project”. A...
Bid Opportunities, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, News & Updates, RFP & RFQ Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities
Request for Qualifications | SFA Terms and Conditions | Mandatory State Revolving Fund Terms and Conditions |
Bid Opportunities, Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities
Sealed Bids for construction of the “BUFFALO SEWER AUTHORITY BIRD ISLAND LANDSCAPE AND WAYFINDING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-REBID” will be received by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at its offices at The Bird Island Treatment Facility, Buffalo, New York 14213, until ...
Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Opportunities, RFP & RFQ Opportunities, Vendor Opportunities
Buffalo Sewer Authority Waste Heat Recovery System Rehab RFP Please include in proposal acknowledgment of the following additional information: 1. Average Plant’s heating loads (lbs/hour) in the Summer, Winter, and shoulder months: 10,000 – 13,000 lbs. in the summer. ...